Sunday 21 April 2013

It's Time To Begin

UMP boleh!
Pirated products are aplenty but promoting them under a uni is just... wrong.

So yea everyone has to grow up eventually. Everyone still sees me as the kid and call me Pikachu but mentally I felt I aged. Why? I'm starting to care more about politics lololol. So if you been on Facebook you'll bound to know DAP can't contest under their Rocket logo due to a letter raised by the Registrar of Society. DAP has been contesting under the logo for so long. One has to wonder why they can't contest under their logo 48 hours before nomination day? One has to wonder is there such thing as a clean election? It's true we must see two sides of a story but this is just absurd.

You can say you don't take interest in politics but who says politics won't take an interest in you? No matter how much we want to migrate and leave the corruption and move on to a better place, we must always remember Malaysia is our home. If we don't want to do anything to change the state of the nation who will? I may not be eligible to vote but I want to urge those who can to really help make a difference. I'm not taking sides here but please do open up your eyes and see both sides of the story. Make a difference! :D

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