Friday 5 April 2013

I'm Coming home, Tell the World I'm Coming Home

Tell us something about yourself. I'm sure many of you have heard that line before. May that be in an ice breaking session or perhaps an interview. The question sounds simple enough, so why can't most people answer without hesitation?

In a recent interview I gone through I expected this question to came out and I've thought of a rough answer for it but when the panelist asked that question, my mind just went blank. I can't even remember what I wanted to answer in the first place.

So yea I found the answer to that question yesterday. I am whimsical. I find that word so interesting. Whimsical. So funny hahahhaha. I read that word online and i find myself attracted towards it. I always describe myself as random and optimistic but now I've found a better word to describe me.

I never actually plan for things. I just acted on a whim and let things fall into order. Which is why sometimes when things do not fall into place it gets disastrous. So hopefully my whimsical self will boost my work performance in uni. Hopefully haha.

So do you know how to describe yourself? Ponder upon that because trust me that is one of the most common questions in an interview.

Oh oh I'm backkkk and oh nom nom nom nom

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