Wednesday 1 February 2012

Maybe I Should Hate You For This

Today I went from hopelessly unemployed to spoiled for choice. I was given the opportunity to work at Haagen, Tao, Starbucks, some froyo place near town there. Tao pays veryyy high but the work might be very hectic. Haagen pays well but but NO ONE goes to haagen. Gonna be a dull job D: Starbucks is just the same as haagen but working there should be more exciting than haagen but but i haven't even managed to secure an interview.
High pay? Dull job? Fun but uncertain job? DDDD:

*grumbles* i wish i get paid by sleeping and eating for people who are too busy to do so hahahha

*after consulting everyone and sis*
haagen i choose you!
first thing sis ask was haagen got discount??
She said that was the first thing I'm supposed to ask LOLOL


  1. But you dont even know whether u got turn down for starbucks yet. My supervisors havent interviewed a single person yet la nt that we din choose u

  2. yea i knowww but sis asked me to just take dont wait d
