Monday 6 February 2012

Let Me Love You, Kiss You, Baby Let Me Miss You

Random thought of the day :
Today is the 15th and last day of CNY. Traditionally people throw oranges with their wishes written or it or for women with their number written on it with hopes they'll meet someone special. We should uphold this tradition and give it a little tweak with physics. Let's abandon oranges. Let's throw watermelons! Energy is proportional to mass, as a watermelon has more mass, it has more energy. The energy can be converted into work done and help make the wish come true.
If only I can think of a way to tweak this tradition with chemistry hahaha.

Random Annoyance of the day :
A little humility wont hurt. Bitch

Anyhow gonna work on the book. 10 days to complete the impossible. God save me D:


  1. I heard some of them throw bananas now cos they're cheaper xD

  2. banana cheaper than oranges? :OO

  3. No meh? That's what i heard la..i dont buy fruits so i dont

  4. I have never gone anywhere to throw anything. I dont really celebrate cny. Just reunion dinner and angpaos..which didnt happen this year like how it usually does :(

  5. why why din happen?
    p/s : i still don't have the slightest clue who you are :O

  6. Lol..i wasnt around..had fun somewhere where nobody laughs at u being a banana..
    *that should be a very helpful clue :D

  7. where where did u had fun? :O i still aint sure who u are lololol

  8. oh god i stepped to manny ppl d lololol

  9. Ah..i could guess, but i tried using *step step* anyway..
    Most chinese ppl in school call me by my chinese name cos they find it really hard to pronounce my english name. And i have repeated chinese name.

  10. alice? chinese aint what i'm good at lolol

  11. My english name is real -.-
    As in it is in my ic.

  12. i dun think ur nicole. who who? :O i cant think of anyone with a difficult nameeee

  13. I'll just write "It is me" as my fb status kay..u just look out for that larh..i bet u'll be "zzz why didnt i think of that?"
    I dont know nicole..

  14. lololololol sherilyn! sryyy din think you would be reading my blog haha

  15. lol i like reading ppl's blogs, so yeah i read urs too :P

  16. I'm honoured that your reading mine. thank youuu :D
