Sunday 9 October 2011

Till Tonight Do Us Apart

Animals are not responsible for their actions when they attack people. Their owners are the ones who should be blame. Pets should not pay the price for their owner's negligence. More action need to be taken to put an end to mistreatment of pets. Animals are living things too. Their life are equally valuable to a human life. Fight for animal rights! Cause if you don't, who can?

Project rainbow!


  1. I still think once an animal has severely maimed/killed a person , it should be put down. Not that it deserves it, but its no longer safe once he/she has tasted blood. Might attack again. Its cruel but necessary.

  2. rehabilitation would be an option. Putting them down would have to be the very last option. That is true i would agree. But most pets owned by people aren't vicious unless their owners neglect them or treat them cruely. Animals like people are wild in nature. It's unfair to treat animals differently
