Saturday 8 September 2012


Orientation nightmare is finally over! If orientation was supposed to make you feel excited about studying here, the facilitators of this event completely crush any optimism I had about studying in the middle of nowhere Yes, I had some fun but in the end it was a very sad and depressing event. Kudos to the head facilitator!

I shall explain about how orientation week is organized. It began on Sunday, 2nd of September and it ends today, Saturday. It was like primary school all over. We are split in two group based on gender and almost no interaction is allowed between the two groups. Awesome much.

We had to wake up at 4:30am everyday and sleep at 12:30am everyday. Why do we have to wake up so early? It is because the majority had to pray. It's okay. We live in a multiracial community. We must accpet everyone's various cultures and beliefs. Nevertheless, everything pretty much went downhill from there. We were required to do lame activities and listen to lame jokes and watch lame videos. One word to summarize orientation? LAME

However, every cloud has a silver lining and this event was no different. Orientation was insanely fun when we, the non-muslims were gathered for moral sessions. No lame jokes, no lame activities, no lameness indeed. I was told to keep what went on in moral sessions to myself so I shall not delve further. All I can say was it was random, fun and a whole lot of dancing.

It was when in these sessions there was no hooligans, stuck up brats and insanely annoying people.

I haven't changed much since I left highschool to be honest. I'm still the same stubborn, arrogant and stuck up brat who have low crap tolerance. I still always want to fight for what is right and make a difference. So when my time was wasted doing unnecessary avtivities, I voiced out my opinion. And mind you, this time I asked nicely. I hoped for some diplomacy between me and the facilitators. I HOPED. Instead of listening to reason, the facilitators (not moral session facilitators) ganged up on me and start shouting at me and asked me to get out of this uni wth. I was hoping to reason with them and hopefully make orientation week less miserable but no, all I got was ill-behaved retards who only know how to fight. Luckily I remembered what Pn. Ooi told me. I knew it was impossible to reason with them so I decided to back down. I put on a sad face, shuddered my tone and said sorry in a very innocent tone. I told them I was stressed and accidentally burst out. Pfft as if
To be honest I felt more matured from this. I've learned that sometimes I need to back down and put myself in a win-win situation. Although I'm still very annoyed with their retardedness, I fgured I cant hope for them to listen. Instead of getting beat up or getting my things stolen, I decided to back down. No point making my 4 years here a living hell because of a few, well a lot of retards. See a win-win situation!

Oh well orientation is over and everything will be better. I hope
And I got my timetable and I'm the only one who got 5 day classes. Everyone gets 4 days only wth. On the bright side my schedule is very balanced. Plenty of time to sleep and study.

I've made so many friends until I can't remember their names lolololol. Maybe it is because I always go randomly to random people and say hi.

It is very windy here in the afternoon. The river got otters! Although I haven't seen them yet I shall trust the words of the locals here. This place ain't so bad after all. meh

P/s : this is just a random ranting. I don't expect anyone to read or understand so here is a picture of Park So-Yeon

If you can't win, don't make things worse. There are times you need to back down and continue your battle another day.

And this was playing on my mind whenever I see those retards.

Lilly Allen's Fuck You

That is all for now. Good night peeps!

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