Friday 2 September 2011

Chocolate Love

My creative phase has... Well died completely. I have no idea what to create anymore. Sad sad case. Another reason to be more focused in my studies. Study study. Perhaps in the midst of all the chemistry, physics and maths i can find my path in the future?

Anyhow my blog is classified as a "personal" blog. I'm just oh so lifeless that i got nothing personal to blog about hahahaha. Seriously. Well the title of this post is chocolate love. I was gonna declare my love for chocolates but I have a feeling everyone knows that already.

*inserts interesting picture here*
One of my most awesome present made for Jean

I'm awesome at telling a story but not let any important information out. So let me tell you a cryptic story.

Once upon a time, there were two close friends, named L and W. They were'nt exactly friends at first. They hated each other the day they met. Then they become friends! The end. I'm not much of a story teller sadly. Anyhow if you want me to tell a story about me then drop me a question at my formspring page. Give me ideas to share with my veryy veryy few readers out there.

This is a rare chance *coughs* Better take this chance to ask. Okayy i might come off as a little too desperate there. I'm hoping the questions might give me an idea or heck it might even inspire me to create something interesting cause I'm currently suffering a HUGE creativity block now. Help me please. Thank you oh so much.

Restaurant City hates me
And... my sis likes to rub it in my face ==

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