Sunday 10 February 2013

The Lingering Question Kept Me Up, 2 a.m., Who Do You Love?

A new year a new beginning? So... how did I begin 2013? With my finals of my first sem lolol. Kinda Depressing but sadly that was how it was. Began the year studying for Applied Statistics. My finals ended on 14th so to celebrate me and me uni mates went to Genting for 3 days. I then stayed in KL for 2 days before heading back to Penang. Stayed for like.. 5 days before I pack off to attend pre-MyLds and MyLds. Honestly I wasn't really looking forward to it as I was exhausted after running around so much. All I wanted to do was roll around my bed while looking at my precious figurines and Taylor Swift wall back home. Nonetheless being a Chinese I paid for the conference so I don't want to waste me money.

And thank god I did not skip. I was insanely sick for a week after the conference but it was worth it. The conference was organized by AIESEC, a global youth run organization aimed at achieving peace and fulfilling humankind potential lolol. To make it short it's like a youth organization which emphasizes on leadership and unlocking the potential in you. People who were in AIESEC are now mostly successful entrepreneurs, some are not even in their 30's but they are almost millionaires now.

They share their success stories and gave us talks on their path to success with hopes one day we'll be able to succeed also.

One thing I should ask myself now, what is my aim in life? I'm studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering. That doesn't mean I'll be an engineer after I graduate. Seeing how the Aluminis of AIESEC succeed, it makes me think my dreams are can be realize more. My current aim was to be an engineer until I'm financially stable then I'll try open up a gift shop chain like s&j. I have an aim but I still have no path. I still can't think how am I supposed to take the first step to that dream.

Attending the conference also made me realize how new I am to AIESEC and how new my Local Committee in my Uni is. I also told myself I want to make a difference in my Local Committee. But honestly, I don't know how lolol. I have many aims but I haven't figure out how. That is my weakness. I feel the potential but I don't have the kinetic to set everything in motion.

Hopefully this time again next year I'll be able to set everything in motion * fingers crossed*

My sugar cube 

The Sexy Crazy Yellow Cats
My Team the PopKorns!

The delegates from my Uni!

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