Monday 6 January 2014

Hello Hello Mushi Mushi Beep Beep

We live in a world where majority rules. When you think differently that what the majority thinks you will be labelled as a heretic, a troublemaker, a nuisance, or even a warmonger. Okay the last was a bit over melodramatic but it is to place emphasis on my point. This is the first post of 2014! I won't go posting about resolutions and stuff like that because I know myself honestly do not have the discipline to keep hold of my resolutions.

Anyhow the main reason I am writing this post instead of studying for my finals which is tomorrow is because I get this off my mind else I have no room to insert analog electronics hahaha. Human beings are odd things. Perhaps it is Malaysia or just the reality of my university where majority people have third class mentality, but I shouldn't judge the everyone based on that right?

So recently there is a big fuss over the presence of dogs in the university. Stern actions were taking by the university admins by placing "dog traps" around the hostel area to get rid of the dogs. Some students saw the traps and the dogs are just caged there without food and water. The dogs are going to be put to sleep apparently by the city council. Majority of the people are praising the uni admins for doing so. The rest however, I'm one of them, are against this. Why can't the dogs be placed in a shelter or put up for adoption? When I first came to Pahang I somehow assume there are no dogs in Pahang. Now I know why. Again majority of the people would say "Talk so much, go do lah!". So I will try to start an animal project if possible. The reality of this place is very harsh and it might not be possible but hey someone gotta do something to defend those who can't defend themselves.

After the dog issue comes the cat issue. In a local university, I have no idea why there are like a million cats around. EVERYWHERE. Okay there might not be a million but again I'm being melodramatic to emphasize my point. The problem is not the number, it's the behavior of the cats. They are getting too spoiled by the students. But then again the majority of the students LOVE cats. When the minority voice out their annoyance, we get burned. I woke up with a cat sleeping nicely beside me on my bed on night because we did not close the door. I demand for equality. If dogs are treated so harshly, why can't all the cats be caught and put to sleep? See how mean and cruel that sounds? Apparently when it comes to dogs it is the sweetest thing ever heard. But then again majority wins so nothing will be done about the cats.

What comes after cats and dogs? People. There are a lot of facebook groups where you can see students voicing out their complains or just speaking out their opinions. Reading through what majority of the people say will only give me high blood pressure at an early age. Have you ever look at some people and think the world might be better off without them? Well that is how I think most of the time when I see people commenting in the student council groups or the hostel groups. I honestly wanted to run for the student council and hope to do something better but then I see how redundant the student council can be so I focused my efforts into AIESEC and contribute in a global scale.

But then again who am I to judge all this people? I'm just a human being like everyone else. I eat food, drink water and breathe in air. The same as everyone else. Thinking differently makes me better than everyone else? No it doesn't. This is just how I think. God all gave us the ability to think. Using that organ in our cranium comes handy sometimes.

So I will just keep on being a heretic, a nuisance, a troublemaker and a warmonger. But I will keep it all to myself, or at least I try to because honestly I have lost faith in the majority.

There was a time where cows roam the campus, but it all changed when the monsoon came and the food was insufficient

Those who hate dogs have not yet met Ruby. She will change how you think of Rottweilers

Or they can just meet this random dog who comes to my friend's house occasionally. 

And No Wendy is not my girlfriend -.-

3 days until Hokkien Mee and Laksa!

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